R & D Cell - Aditya College of Pharmacy

Research Co-Ordinator

  • Professor: Dr.K. Ramakishna, Ph.D
  • Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry
  • Email: k.ramakishna@acop.edu.in
  • Research and development cell was established to encourage research activities in the college


  •   To develop the novel research work, which has social benefit to society
  •   To provide a proper platform for the research activity
  •   To enhance the research environment in the campus
  •   To motivate the young faculty members to involve in research activity by providing proper counseling.
  •   To update the scientific knowledge in research related pharmaceutical/health sciences
  •   To improve the efficiency of faculty and studnets in trouble shooting during their research.
  •   To update the research activities with international standards.
  •   To provide the information about funding agencies (projects / fellowships).
  •   To provide information about conferences/seminars/workshops by that enhance the participation and presentation.